- mfeeley@ucsd.edu
- (858) 534-5605
Office: SSB 383
Teaching Professor
Maureen Feeley has teaching and research interests in the areas of human rights, politics of development, gender and globalization, electoral systems and minority representation, comparative democratization, comparative public policy, and undergraduate teaching and learning. She’s conducted extensive fieldwork in Kenya, where her research has focused on the impact of transnational legal mobilization strategies and electoral institutions in Kenya’s protracted democratic transition. Her current research focuses on institutional sources of inequality at global and national levels, and undergraduate teaching and learning. She currently serves on the Executive Committee of the Political Science Education section of the American Political Science Association, and the steering committees of UCSD’s Center for Advancing Multidisciplinary Scholarship for Excellence in Education (CAMSEE), UCSD’s International Institute, and UCSD’s Human Rights minor. She is also Director of Undergraduate Studies in Political Science, Chair of UCSD’s Committee on International Education, and serves on the Senior Council of UCSD’s Teaching + Learning Commons. Feeley has received several awards for excellence in teaching, including the Eleanor Roosevelt College Outstanding Faculty Award and UCSD’s Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Award.