Supplementary Instructional Resources
Supplementary Instructional Resources for Quantitative Research in Political Science
Are you a student in POLI 30(D) - Political Inquiry and would you like the opportunity to independently review and practice applying some of the key concepts introduced in the course? Or perhaps you’re taking an upper-division course or writing your Senior Honors Thesis and could use a refresher on fundamental concepts in quantitative political science research. Perhaps you haven’t yet taken POLI 30(D), but would like to apply for a research opportunity or an internship position that requires foundational knowledge and skills in this area. Or, maybe you’re simply curious about the research process and quantitative methods in political science.
If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, we are thrilled to present these supplemental instructional resources to you!
To access the resources, simply cut-and-paste the following link into your browser, then select "Enroll in Course" and "Go to the Course":
Happy learning!
These resources have been developed by an experienced team of PhD students in the political science department (Marco Alcocer, Leonardo Falabella, Alexandra Lange, and Nicholas Smith). Each module includes a short video (or videos) that explain fundamental concepts in quantitative research, links to additional materials, and a series of “knowledge checks” to help you assess how well you understood the module.

We encourage you to interact with the modules as often as you need, especially including the knowledge checks, to develop and master skills in this area. Please also feel free to leave us feedback through the short surveys at the end of each module to let us know how they’ve helped you and what we can do to improve these resources for future students.
If you have any questions about the materials, please contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Maureen Feeley, by including “Foundations of Quantitative Research in Political Science” in the subject line of your email to: