Data Analytics (B.S.) - PS 32
Rigorous training in the study of probability, data collection, hypothesis testing, computation, and visual display of data as it applies to political and social science problems.
Requirements FA21 & After:
Lower Division Required:
- POLI 5 or 5(D) (note: Poli5/5D is crosslisted with Econ 5)
- Two (2) of the following introductory sequence lower division courses: POLI 10 or 10D, POLI 11 or 11D, POLI 12 or 12D, POLI 13(R)* or 13D(R)*
- POLI 30 or 30D
Upper Division Required:
- Five (5) upper-division Data Analytics courses chosen from the following: POLI 100F, 100X, 112A, 118, 168, 170, 170A, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, or 179.
- Seven (7) additional upper division Political Science elective courses from POLI 100 - 199, except for POLI 197 courses.
*If POLI 13(R) or POLI 13D(R) are taken, then only one of the following can be taken for credit: POLI 13, POLI 13R, POLI 13D, or POLI 13DR
Change: POLI 137 not allowable for Data Analytics concentration
Major Checklist:
In order to plan out your Political Science - Data Analytics major and remaining courses effectively, please utilize the Major Checklist below. The document is a fillable PDF; students are encouraged to review their plan and progress with the Department's Undergraduate Advisor.
Political Science - Data Analytics (B.S.) Major FA21 & After Checklist
Requirements Pre-FA21:
Lower Division Required:
- POLI 5 or 5(D)
- Two of the following introductory sequence lower division courses: POLI 10 or 10D, POLI 11 or 11D, POLI 12 or 12D, POLI 13(R)* or 13D(R)*
- POLI 30 or 30D
Upper Division Required:
- Five (5) upper-division Data Analytics courses chosen from the following: POLI 100F, 100X, 112A, 118, 137, 168, 170, 170A, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, or 179.
- Seven (7) additional upper division Political Science elective courses from POLI 100 - 199, except for POLI 197 courses.
*If POLI 13(R) or POLI 13D(R) are taken, then only one of the following can be taken for credit: POLI 13, POLI 13R, POLI 13D, or POLI 13DR
Major Checklist:
In order to plan out your Political Science - Data Analytics major and remaining courses effectively, please utilize the Major Checklist below. The document is a fillable PDF; students are encouraged to review their plan and progress with the Department's Undergraduate Advisor.
Political Science - Data Analytics (B.S.) Major Pre-FA21 Checklist