Special Studies - 191 through 199
191A-B. Senior Honors Seminar: Frontiers of Political Science (4-4)
This course is open only to seniors interested in qualifying for departmental honors. Admission to the course will be determined by the department. Each student will write an honors essay under the supervision of a member of the faculty. Prerequisites: department stamp; senior standing; PS major with minimum 3.6 GPA; significant writing project and recommendation by political science faculty member. More information.
192. Senior Seminar in Political Science (1)
The senior seminar is designed to allow senior undergraduates to meet with faculty members in a small group setting to explore an intellectual topic in political science at the upper-division level. Topics will vary from quarter to quarter. Senior seminars may be taken for credit up to four times, with a change in topic and permission of the department. Enrollment is limited to twenty students, with preference given to seniors. Prerequisite: department stamp and/or consent of instructor.
194. Research Seminar in Washington, D.C. (4)
(Same as Comm 194/USP 194) Course attached to 6 - 10 unit internship taken by students participating in the UCDC program. Involves weekly seminar meetings with faculty and teaching assistant and a substantial research paper. Prerequisite: Participating in UCDC program.
194SD. Local Internship Research Seminar (4)
The Local Internship Research Seminar can be paired with a Local Internship in Political Science (POLI 197SD) when offered in the same quarter (Spring) or be taken in the Spring quarter when POLI 197SD is completed during a previous quarter. The linkage to this research seminar will provide advanced academic training in analytic skills appropriate to the internship experience and requires a substantial paper based on original research.
195. Apprentice Teaching (4)
Teaching and tutorial activities associated with courses and seminars. Limited to advanced political science majors with at least a 3.5 GPA in upper-division political science courses. P/NP grades only. May be taken for credit two times, but only four units may be used for credit toward the Political Science majors (in the Elective section) or General Political Science minor. Prerequisite: department approval.
196. Community Stations Fieldwork (4)
Course is attached to a four unit field-based internship in the UCSD Community Stations. Topics will vary by term and include such issues as migration and asylum; emergency and affordable housing; health and educational disparities; and urban and environmental justice. Strong emphasis is placed on the ethics of university-community engagement and horizontal methods of "co-production". P/NP grades only. May be taken for credit one time, and the four units may be used for credit toward the Political Science majors (in the Elective section) or General Political Science minor. Prerequisite: department approval.
197I. Political Science Washington Internship (6-10)
This internship is attached to the UC in DC Program. Students participating in the UC in DC Program are placed in an internship in the Washington, DC, area for twenty-four hours per week. Prerequisites: must be enrolled in the UC in DC Program. (This course may not be used toward the political science major or minor).
197SD. Local Internship in Political Science (4)
Individual placements for field learning integrated with political science. A written contract involving all parties with learning objectives, a project outline, and a means of supervision and progress evaluation must be filed with the faculty advisor and department undergraduate coordinator prior to the beginning of the internship. 90 units; 2.5 min. cumulative GPA overall; 3.0 in political science; POLI 30(D); and at least two upper-division courses in political science completed prior to application; approval of faculty advisor. (This course may not be used toward the political science major or minor).
198RA. Research Apprenticeship (4)
Students conduct directed research as part of a principal investigator’s project and under the supervision of a department mentor. Students may conduct research with a department mentor for up to two quarters. This course is part of the Research Apprenticeship program in Political Science. Department approval required.
199. Independent Study for Undergraduates (2 or 4)
Independent reading in advanced political science by individual students. (P/NP grades only.) Instruction on how to enroll in a POLI 199 can be found on the second page of the form. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Please submit your request and include full details via the EASy Preauthorization System.