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Teaching Opportunities for Visiting Professors

Faculty who are interested in teaching in the Department as Visiting Professors are invited to submit applications. Appointments are based on the qualifications of the candidate and the Department's instructional needs in a given year.


To be considered for a teaching appointment commencing the following academic year (including Summer Session, Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters), complete application files should be received by November 1 of the preceeding year, though later submissions may be considered depending on needs.


Candidates for Visiting Professor appointments in the department must satifsfy the following minimum requirements:

1. Hold a PhD or relevant professional degree (or foreign equivalent);

2. Hold a permanent faculty position at another university;

3. Have significant teaching experience and course evaluations that document excellence;

4. Do not hold any other appointments at UCSD or another UC school that would, in combination with the teaching appointment, result in more than 100% time employment;

5. Have approval from the home institution to teach at UCSD.

Application Procedure

Applications should include:

1. A brief cover letter (email form is acceptable) which includes a summary of academic background and teaching experience and also clearly indicates the quarters available teach (UCSD Calendar) as well as a list of courses qualified to teach in our department (list of courses).

2. Current CV

3. Copies of recent teaching evaluations and syllabi

All materials should be emailed  to:
Collette Isachsen,