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Study Abroad in Political Science

Before You Study Abroad:

Thinking of going abroad? The Political Science Department encourages its majors and minors to study abroad!

Political Science students can study all over the world through the University of California’s Education Abroad Program (EAP), Opportunities Abroad Program (OAP), and UCSD's Global Seminars. Study the Politics of Development in Barbados or Ghana. Debate International Relations, Political Economy, and Security Studies with students in Canada, France, Hong Kong, or Turkey. Learn through recent historical events the effects of democratization, state-building, and political transformation in Chile, Mexico, or Vietnam. Gain a new understanding of how ethnicity and national identity influence politics in the Czech Republic or the Republic of Ireland. The Study Abroad Office website offers additional information for UCSD Political Science students planning to study abroad.

Your First Steps:

 Compare your options to see what works for you!

Program Spotlight:

Academic Integration - Plan Ahead!

Contact the Study Abroad Office at UCSD to decide where you want to go and obtain an Academic Planning Form.

Once you have completed the Academic Planning Form with the courses you plan to take while studying abroad, bring the course syllabi and Academic Planning Form to the Political Science Department during drop-in advising hours for a signature. 

Be sure to read below how to transfer courses to the Political Science major that you plan to take or have taken abroad.

Petitioning Courses After You Study Abroad:

Courses may only be petitioned for the Political Science major once you have returned from studying abroad. If you have any questions regarding the petition process, please come in for drop-in advising or send a message via the Virtual Advising Center:


Please submit your petitions here.


You will receive feedback about the allocation of your courses on your audit within three (3) weeks through the Virtual Advising Center. 

Study Abroad Office's Advising Schedule

The Study Abroad Office's advising schedule for the current quarter can be found on their website:

 Frequently Asked Questions + Resources

Requirements and Criteria for Applying Study Abroad Courses to the Major or Minor

Political Science majors may transfer up to six courses from outside UCSD to the major.

Students with the Political Science minor may transfer in up to two courses from outside UCSD to the minor.

These courses include those from EAP/OAP courses, community college courses, courses taken at other 4-year universities, and AP courses.

In order for study abroad courses to be allowable for the major or minor, they must be Political Science courses, and transfer to UCSD as upper-division, with 4 or units each, and with a letter grade of C- or better. 

How Early Can I Plan My Study Abroad Experience?

It's never too early to start planning for study abroad...SERIOUSLY!

Did you know? The process and planning timeline of making the decision to study abroad to actually heading to your international destination can take about a year or more:

The Department of Political Science shares opportunities to learn more about how study abroad experiences can fit into students' academic journey during Transfer and Freshmen Orientation, in online and in-person advising sessions, through social media posts on the Department's Facebook page, during yearly collaborative workshops between the Department and Study Abroad Office, and at other points throughout the year. 

The Undergraduate Advising team in the Department is more than happy to speak to students at any time (yes, even during the summer - we are open!) about when the best time(s) would be for a student to study abroad based on their chosen major, academic plans, co-curricular involvements, work and personal responsibilities, and future goals. Students will also be referred to speak with the Study Abroad Office and College for further insight on how the process can be as seamless as possible. 

When is the BEST Time for Me to Study Abroad?

There are multiple quarters in which our students can pursue a study abroad opportunity!

Below are some visual aids that can help you determine when the best time for you to study abroad is. These visual aids do have some parameters to consider, and it's best to speak with your Major Advisor, College Advisor, and a Study Abroad Advisor on what quarter(s) work for YOU and your academic journey. 

Incoming Freshmen - Four Years at UC San Diego

visual aid showing when freshmen students can study abroad

Any Student - Three Years at UC San Diego


Incoming Transfer Student - Two Years at UC San Diego


Study Abroad Events, Program Deadlines, and Scholarship Deadlines

The calendar below is continually updated with information related to events and workshops hosted by the Study Abroad Office, program deadlines, and scholarship deadlines. For further assistance, the Study Abroad Advisors can help you navigate the application process and refer you to scholarships that can help finance your study abroad experience.

Scholarship Opportunities in 2019 - 2020


Planning Ahead:

If you are interested in studying abroad but have not done so yet, please contact the Study Abroad Office to learn of your first steps.